jenny's belly

Sunday, August 14, 2005

One Day Left (with mexican lollipop tangent)

I'm convinced they make the day-before-surgery procedures so unbearable that you actually WISH for the surgery.

It's 6:30pm and I'm still trying to get enough energy up to do *something* today. I have 400 potential activities and none of them interest me except the nap one.

Oh, my mom went to the store to upgrade my "clear liquid" selections and came back with (among other things) some yummy lollipops. Despite drinking water all damn day I think I'm still dehydrated-- the fact they're made in Mexico is extremely amusing to me.

* Cha Cha Cherry: A good eat that easy to dance to. (What? Don't dance with a lollipop in your mouth! Why don't you just run with scissors then stick your fingers in a light socket, stupid.)

* Peaches & Cream: Like lazing in a porch swim on a Georgia summer afternoon. (Look, I've been to Georgia, and I intend to keep the vow that I will only PASS THROUGH Georgia in the future.)

* Strawberry Davine: Just-picked taste without the muddy shoes and bug bites. (Muddy shoes?? Where are they getting these strawberries? Also, what is davine?)

* Orange Ya Sweet: Aw, shucks. (One word: lazy.)

* Strawberries & cream: Milk this one for all it's worth. (What does that even mean? Milk the lollipop?)

I have to be at Brigham and Women's tomorrow morning at 5:30am, meaning we're leaving about 4:30am. My surgery is scheduled for 7:30am. I'm not sure if this means everyone is ready to go and I'm knocked out already, or if they finally bring me into the room at 7:30... I just know I'm first on the list, but other O.R. issues could push me back to a later time (emergencies, etc).

My surgeon anticipates about 5 or 6 hours of actual operating time. As I've described below, they're removing at least the top portion of my stomach and the lymph nodes which have surrounded the area looking for hand-outs.

I would have done a fun procedure where I could donate my own blood to be given back to me during surgery, but since I'm anemic they won't allow it. I will have to get blood transfusions, and though I've donated my blood many times in the past I can't help feeling that I'll be taking blood supplies away from people who really need it!! While it can't be directed at me, I encourage you to donate blood if you can.

Though I didn't mention it last night, I want to especially thank all those who have never met me: From ladies my aunt works with to neighbors of friends, and everyone in between, I'm so blessed to have you wonderful people on my side! I've received beautiful messages of hope and some incredibly thoughtful gifts, all from people who do not know me at all. I'm so completely blown away.

Maybe it takes a life-changing moment like facing cancer for me to put things into perspective? Thanks to you (that's right you, reading this right now!) for thinking about me, checking in to see how I'm doing, and sending me your kind words. I appreciate it very much and know I'm not going through this alone!

I leave this in Lisa's hands, but you'll hear from me again soon...

1 comment(s):


Just wanted to check in to let you know we're all thinking of you and saying our prayers. You're right that it puts thing in perspective.... not only for you, but for us to realize how much we care. Time gets away and you forget to check in, you know?

Glad to hear you have expanded your clear liquid and soft food choices, although I think the sherbert thing is just a ruse. Like hearing about how having your tonsils out is so much fun because you get unlimited ice cream! I must admit they tricked me with that one...

Looking forward to hearing about your morphine-induced dreams. Hope to see you toward the end of the week. I'll check in to see if you're up to visitors.

You're in good hands! Love you, Kath

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/14/2005 7:28 PM  

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