Real Cancer, Real Lives #2
It's been a tough week for your host of Real Cancer, Real Lives #2. I didn't have any cancer symptoms in July- they found my stomach cancer by accident. Now I've had most of my stomach and part of my esophagus (the only part you really need, actually) removed and this week I began chemotherapy.The first day was fine, which I describe in my post So What's It Like? I haven't been able to eat much due to extreme nausea and because the medine I'm taking won't always stay down in my stomach. If it does stay it makes me very, very tired.
My chemo has been a five-day push with yesterday my last day for awhile. I wasn't doing very well on friday, however, and was actually crying yesterday. It's not pretty stuff, people. And while my chemo is fast, I've asked for meds to make the nausea go away and found I'm also very dehydrated since I can't eat or drink. That stuff takes time. Hours.
Anyway, I'm on the mend now which I hope to feel in a few days. I'm getting prepared for next month's chemo with 24-hour pump and daily radiation. Follow my posts right here at
Blogs By Cancer Patients
Minerva has written a specacular open letter to her cancer which patients, caregivers and friends alike should read. The post is called To My Cancer and I encourage you to visit for some inspiration!
Lori has gotten her levels up high enough so she can re-start chemo but she'd really rather not. Please check out her post No Rest for the Wicked to read about the frustration and complete exhaustion.
CancerBaby has learned a lot in her struggle with cancer, including how to order her doctors and nurses around to get what she needs. Her post I'll Take Some Morphine and a Side of Ativan describes her week-long visit in the hospital for yet another painful obstruction due to ovarian cancer.
Blogs By Caregivers
Gregory created a loving tribute for his wife Ann, which follows her very long struggle with ovarian cancer. She battled the disease on-again and off-again from 1972 through 2000. It is written very matter-of-factly with much to think about from both patient and caregiver perspective as well as the medical community.
Medical Blogs
Cary has located some excellent news which indicates that low fat diets decrease the risk of recurrence for breast cancer patients. His post Beating Breast Cancer: Increasing the Odds incidates that walking a little bit more and a little faster may help your odds of beating the disease.
Dan at has given us all something to think about with his post Texas Judge Orders Chemo for Girl with Cancer. Dan is surprised at the 13 year old girl's parents decision not to seek treatment for her primarily because his own daughter was treated for Hodgkins and is doing well.
Real Cancer, Real Lives Needs You!
If you would like to submit a post for inclusion in Real Cancer, Real Lives, please do so via the Carnival Submit Form. When submitting your blog entry, be sure that Real Cancer, Real Lives is selected in the menu space provided. If you are interested in hosting the carnival, you can check available dates at the Real Cancer, Real Lives main page...just drop an email to Cary at Cancer NewsWatch to let him know which date you'd like.
I hope you enjoyed this second edition of Real Cancer, Real Lives! Next week's edition will be held at on October 23rd, so don't forget to drop in!
Previous Editions of Real Cancer, Real Lives
Real Cancer, Real Lives #1 can be found at Cancer News Watch
Real Cancer, Real Lives #2 can be found at Jenny's Belly
10 comment(s):
Jen, thanks so much for hosting this looks great! I'm impressed you pulled it off while feeling so cruddy. I hope this morning finds you a little bit better.
Don't worry about pinging the carnival...that's just something they ask for on those submission forms. I'll head over and do that right now.
Great job :D
Best, Cary
By Anonymous, at 10/16/2005 12:51 PM
Just dropping in for a "hello." I haven't had much to say lately but just want you to know I'm here reading and sending you all the good energy vibes I can muster.
I hope to see that you are in fact feeling much much better by the middle of next week.
Big Hugs!
Jenn Crane
By Anonymous, at 10/16/2005 1:10 PM
So sorry to hear you have had such an awful week and well done on the carnival...*getting thong out and tasselled bikini*
Ooops...didn't want to make you feel unwell again..
Well done for getting through it!
By Minerva, at 10/16/2005 1:28 PM
Hey Jen-
Just came across this through Cancer NewsWatch but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your treatments, I know very well how run-down and empty you feel after a round of chemo. Hope things start to look up....
-Julie (former cancer patient and current graduate student in cancer biology)
By EthidiumBromide, at 10/16/2005 3:06 PM
Oh and just to let you know that I have linked to you....
By Minerva, at 10/16/2005 5:42 PM
hang on! Jenny.
By TZ, at 10/16/2005 11:48 PM
My name is Brian Lane and i would like to show you my personal experience with Ativan.
I am 30 years old .I started taking this drug about 10 years ago to help with some pretty bad anxiety and depression I was having at the time. I started taking a 1mg dose twice a day 1 in morning and 1 before bed. I tapered myself down to .5mg twice a day and then finally was able to get off it for about 3 months this year. I just started taking it in .5mg doses again due to the anxiety and depression resurfacing after 10 years. I dont know if its coming back because I got off the medicine or just that I am having a relapse but I have to honestly tell you that those years in between when I was taking it were the best years of my life. Just be VERY careful not to take this in larger doses.
Side Effects :
sleepiness, addiction It really helped me for what I was taking it for but it was very difficult to stop.
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Brian Lane
By Anonymous, at 9/30/2008 1:17 PM
I have anxiety and I tried valium and xanax but Ativan works best for me.
By ativan, at 10/27/2010 4:24 AM
Be careful when using ativan. Do not take doses more than 1 or 2 mg. It is easy to get carried away and addicted to Ativan. I find that it is a very effective treatment for anxiety when the RECOMMENDED DOSES are used though though.
By ativan, at 2/02/2011 3:18 AM
I like Jenny Belly!
By online pharmacy no prescription, at 4/16/2011 6:38 AM
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