jenny's belly

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Craig the Betta

Many of you know about "Red Craig" my betta fish. I had him on my desk at work at my old job where he and "Blue Craig" (RIP) were very happy. Red Craig recently moved into a new home and I thought I'd share a picture...
This week is the first week without more than one doctor's appointment since sometime in July. It doesn't seem natural. I'm just supposed to rest and drink as much as I can to keep from being dehydrated. I know it sounds silly because I walk around with a drink in my hand all the time, but I can't knock back water or whatever the way I used to. My stomach is so small I can only drink a little bit at a time. I don't drink anything with caffeine and when reflux isn't bothering me I stay away from even decaf tea.

Anyway, I feel like I'm on vacation and it's great! :)

3 comment(s):

Dear Red Craig,

I envy you, as I have MANY days I wish I could climb into the file cabinet at work and take a mid-day nap. Be careful of those drawers-they pinch!

Jen - I hope you are enjoing your 'vacation'. Don't forget the sunscreen if you go outside!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/09/2005 1:37 PM  

That has got to be the neatest fish tank thingy I have EVER seen! Where did you get all that stuff??? Almost makes me want to go out a buy me a fish! lol

Congrats on the mini vacation! I know how weird it feels. lolol I'm finally down to one every few weeks and it STILL feels really odd. Like i'm cheating or something. *evil laugh*

Give Craig some fish luv for me! :-)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/09/2005 11:01 PM  

Enjoy the mini-break, Jenny. We all need the time to rest and get stronger. There is so much living to do! Thinking of you...

By Blogger Unknown, at 11/10/2005 4:07 PM  

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