Doing Okay
I made it through Christmas :) The cinnamon roll was a bad idea, and then later I had some watermelon, another bad idea. Around 7:30pm I felt okay though, and was able to join the family. I'm amazed that I've had a new stomach for 6 months and STILL have no idea what I can eat and what I can't. It's a complete crapshoot for every meal.I got some fluids today which was good. It kind of keeps me going for a few days. But I'm starting to come out of my chemotherapy/radiation haze. I'm noticing food tastes better and not like something out of a tin can. In fact the idea of eating at all is not so horrible as it was only a few days ago. Improvement! I didn't have a nap today and I haven't completely crashed. Amazing! I ate french fries and actually kept them down. Miracle!
I'm still pretty inactive though I get out of the house a bit. I can't concentrate (did I spell that right?) enough to read or sew or really do *anything* constructive. But baby steps- a little bit at a time...
My next chemo is scheduled for January 18, and I'll get chemotherapy every day for 5 days. This is the same thing they gave me in October which made me REALLY sick. But maybe my body is more used to the abuse, and maybe now I'll have enough drugs to make it liveable. I've let them know at Dana Farber I'm pretty anxious about the whole thing, so hopefully they'll throw the pharmacy at me. :)
I hope you had a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah! Thank you so much for your cards. I still love to read them. :)
1 comment(s):
Hi Jen! It was so nice to read that you have been able to do some "normal things"; I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas. Ours was very nice although a bit hectic; our first Christmas with cousins. (Megan & Pat now have Colleen and Mark's brother, wife & kids moved from Texas to NY! They drove to NH for the holidays.) It was fun to have the little ones around.
It must be difficult not to think about the next round of chemo but try to focus on resting up and recuperating now so that you will be stronger for the next course. . . much easier said than done! We all continue to think of you and pray for you. And of course, wish you health and happiness in the new year. Love, Kelly B.
By Anonymous, at 12/31/2005 5:31 PM
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