Merry Christmas!
My dad took me into Dana Farber for fluids this afternoon, hopefully to keep me going.I just cooked some crabcakes for my parents. I probably shouldn't have eaten one since they're fried, but they're *lightly* fried so hopefully it won't kill my stomach. I made some raspberry squares earlier today too. It feels good to do "normal" things. You know, I can't remember the last time I drove a car?
I'd like to go to midnight mass tonight but I'm not so sure I'll be able to stay up that late. I only took a one-hour nap today. I might just watch on tv. :)

2 comment(s):
Hi Jen it's me Steph! I just want to say thank you for signing on my web site. You are right it is something how us "cancer" people find each other. I met someone who has a rare form of abdominal cancer. Her name is Marlena and she also has a site. She is 25 years old from Virginia. If you can you should read her story. You can get it on my web site by clicking on web links and then click on "show your support". Marlena is truly an inspiration. Also I wanted to tell you about the anti nausea drug I take it is called Emend and let me tell you it works fantastic. I take one pill the day I start my poison and then one the next 2 days and let me tell you I was not nauseas at all. Maybe you can try it? Well have a Merry Christmas and always keep fighting. Take care!!!
Anonymous, at
12/25/2005 12:03 AM
Merry Christmas Jen! In your honor I made home made cinnamon rolls with the whole yeast thing and everything. You know I have a lot of bad luck with yeast breads so I couldn't be more thrilled that they turned out. There's only one problem, there's TOO many of them! It will definitely be our new tradition though. I'll just have to cut the recipe in half. What is your recipe?
I tried to do the Mimosa thing too but I went to the grocery Friday night (1:30 am) and it was past the time they were able to sell it. On Christams Eve we stopped at a weird huge travel center place on the way home from my dad's but they didn't have any champaign. Oh well. I suggested that we have a screwdriver (OJ + vodka) with sprite for the bubbles but Jim didn't think that would be good on even our non-cancerous stomachs. Oh well, we did enjoy the cinnamon rolls though and we were really hoping you were doing the same!
Did you make it to Mass? We were slackers and didn't get there till the very last one today. The midnight one is really the one to attend. I hope you got there.
Big hugs!
Jenn Crane
Anonymous, at
12/25/2005 9:56 PM
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