I'm noticing that not as much hair is falling out anymore. I'd say I lost 50%. I still get hair in and on everything, but it just seems like the hairball at the bottom of the shower is shrinking :).I've "come off the roof" as far as the lymph node is concerned. I can't remember now if my doctor said it was there in my last CT scan or not. I'll have to ask at my next appointment. Mom thinks it was there in October, but the scan showed it hasn't changed since then.
What I've come to terms with is that this fight against cancer didn't take the "fight" out of me. I'm exhausted as a drug side-effect, not because I pushed myself too hard. So if my next CT scan shows the pesky enlarged lymph node still there, I'll be okay with it. If the cancer returns in a year or whatever, I can just restart the push.
I'm learning to say "the cancer is gone" which is strange, because I found saying "I have cancer" was much, much easier.
I start physical therapy on friday, and set up a gene therapy session for next month. Basically a genetic counselor and my gastroenterologist will meet and go over my family history of cancer and they can see whether I have certain mutations or predispositions. I'm most concerned for my brother. His odds of getting prostate cancer are sky high, and I can only imagine how he feels knowing his sister had cancer already.
But I'm feeling better and able to leave the house a bit more. There are some days when I'm able to skip my nap. I found that food isn't as against me as before. I'm drinking orange juice now (gasp!) and I can eat past 7:30 without being sick.
And today is the first day of spring!!
3 comment(s):
Horray for Spring and the cancer being GONE. What a nice time of year for this phase to be passing for you.
I can't help but to picture you waving "bye bye cancer" just as my kids do when they flush their poopies and wee wees down the toilet. Maybe that will make help you say that the cancer is gone . . practice in the mirror with a youthful smile and in your best 3 year old voice, "BYE BYE CANCER." :)
Love ya!
Jenn Crane
Anonymous, at
3/20/2006 9:53 AM
Hi Jen, enjoy the spring (although it doesn't quite feel like it yet!) and enjoy some time to rest up and recuperate. So glad to hear you in better spirits! Take care, we continue to think of you. Love, Kelly
Anonymous, at
3/23/2006 6:35 AM
Hi Jen,
When do we get more Jennews? Fox News is offering "fair and balanced" coverage of you but I prefer info. right from the source. Don't think just because you're on a track back to health you're allowed to slack off on postings.
What do we want? Jennews!
When do we want it? NOW!
Anonymous, at
3/23/2006 9:23 AM
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